Tuesday, April 29, 2008

ode to rice

y'know, during this period in which rice shortages are splashed across websites, newspapers and the wires i discover that i am in love with rice.

i have a sneaking suspicion that it's something to do with my lineage.

i find myself craving rice more. the way i actively seek out rice dishes near my workplace during lunchtime is... amusing, if you were to see the efforts i go to to get myself rice during then. i'd actually go to work dressed up in office wear so i can squirrel myself into upscale shopping malls' staff canteens to get myself some.

the reason of doing that is not really to satisfy my appetite for faux espionage (ie cheap thrills). on the contrary. i look at it as this is something i do in order to get desired results (rice for lunch) with least amount of trouble. imagine being looked over by the malls' sales staff due to my outfit of jeans shirt and jacket, deemed "highly suspicious", get hauled out by security without my rice. then being barred from that place for good.

so why do i go to all that trouble? i mean, it may well sound like putting on a spacesuit so you can go get cereal from the NASA canteen.

it may sound odd to you, but eating warm, cooked rice feels makes me feel loved. not just any kind of rice, neither.

it's got to be plain, white rice. and warm. cooked by a chinese woman. who speaks broken english. sorta.

then it has to be eaten indoors, at a private spot - "private spot" - like my office desk. or at home, in my own room, or at the dinner table at my aunt's. away from strangers, i suppose. i hardly eat around strangers and if i did, they'll soon realise that i do not have a tendency to speak at mealtimes and conversations will become stilted*. give me beer with potato wedges though, and you'll have a yakker on your hands, stranger or no.

not that i'm much of a beer drinker, but beer and wedges**... don't say i didn't warn you.

so. rice!

consumed in private = that luvvin' feelin'

(i must've been living by myself for too long.)

* unless with family. then there will be sparing conversation.

** the beer will probably be left virtually untouched, but it makes me happy to have beer right in front of me. it's a quirk that'll probably get me crucified by beer worshippers anywhere.

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